Spaying and neutering
Due to the crisis over overpopulation of dogs and the sheer number of dogs in shelters, many have recommended spaying and neutering. Most people are not breeding their dogs and are simply pets and have considered spaying and neutering their dogs.
So what is it?
It is carrying out surgical procedures that prevent the dogs from producing offspring. Neutering or castration is for males while spaying is for females.
The procedures are carried out under general anaesthetic and there is not too much discomfort. Medicine has advanced quite a lot in recent years and procedures are always improving. These days dogs are back up and running after a few hours.
Many experts have hailed it has a great way to control the population of dogs as there are simply not enough homes for them. This has led to many dogs to be euthanized, so this is seen as a viable alternative to keep check on the population. Most pet owners do consider this procedure and are open to it.
There are many benefits that include:
- No unwanted pregnancies – you do not want to have unexpected puppies around especially if it’s not planned. Plus due to the crisis in housing it is difficult to find them new homes as well.
- Not having to take care of your dog through pregnancy, which can be very tricky as well.
- Removal of risk of womb infections for females
- No risks of ovarian tumors for females as the ovaries are removed during the procedure.
- No risk of prostate problems for male dogs.
- Removing risk of testicular cancer for male dogs.
- Can reduce aggression and hyper-sexual behaviour in males. Some dogs can get very frustrated after a while and this helps them to be more relaxed and calm.
You should always discuss the details with a qualified vet. They will be able to advise and examine your dog thoroughly. They will also be able to advise on cost.
You can have the procedure done from around 6 months for females and 6 or 7 months for males. Though it varies from breed to breed and again your vet will be able to examine and check if your dog is ready to have it done.
There are some myths around such as pets gaining weight but this is due to them requiring less food. So just try and control their portions. Another worry is that they will no longer feel the same, but this is not fully true. Yes there will be some changes in behaviour such as less roaming or mounting or spraying urine but you cannot think of them like humans. They will simply have one less desire and need that they need to fulfil, which will rather improve their behaviour.